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Pause for a second and think about the last time you were upset with how something didn’t go as planned.

You didn’t get the job you wanted. Your flight got cancelled. You ended up getting sick. You forgot you made prior obligations. You wanted something but couldn’t have it. I could go on for hours, but I won’t do that to you.

Now take a second and think about the last time something DID go as planned. Were you grateful? Were you happy? Were you excited?

You see, I was listening to the WHOA THAT’S GOOD podcast by Sadie Rob Huff, and thanks to her and her special guest, Dee Kisser, they brought something to my attention that I had never truly thought about before…

If you don’t have disappointments in your life, you’ll never actually realize how great it is to have things go right in your life.

I have been working towards making a living off of music for well-over half of my life now. I have been turned down by American Idol numerous times, The Voice numerous times, and many other opportunities right once I think I finally had made it. It’s easy to get down on yourself and it’s easy to think that you need to quit. Here’s my advice if that means anything to you…. DON’T. Don’t quit, even if you are so frustrated. Don’t quit.

God has your life planned out. Every opened door is because of Him. Every closed door is because of Him. Seriously, everything is because of Him.

Just because something isn’t going according to your plan doesn’t mean that it isn’t going according to His plan. The harder you work for something and the longer that you wait, the better it will feel once you have finally made it.

I look back on my life and have done some things in the past that I would have done differently now that I am a bit older. I am sure that if you look back, you might wish you could change a thing or two as well. Here’s the thing though, they’ve created you. All things that have happened both good AND bad are why you are who you are today. Ironic, isn’t it?

Next time you are upset because of how something panned out, just take a deep breath. Think about it for a second and realize that it’s not worth ruining your day over.

Stop dissing your disappointments. It’s about time we start thanking them instead and just be happy with what we have right now.


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