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let me introduce myself

You might be reading this because you randomly stumbled upon this thanks to Google’s sometimes reliable algorithm, you saw me post about this on one of my social media accounts, or you are one of my close friends/family members and felt obligated to. Regardless, nice to meet you. My name is Brianna Helbling, but on here you can just call me Bri (you know, pronounced Bree). I want this to be full of nothing but honesty, so honestly, this whole blog originally was intended to just be something to keep me busy. I am one who does not handle being on the go constantly, but I also do not handle having absolutely nothing to do. With that being said, this blog is where I go when I am on the verge of yet another anxiety attack and start to fall back into my old ways of an eating disorder, but I’ll touch on those plenty later on. 


I grew up in a town of 22,000 people called Mandan, North Dakota. I now reside in Fargo, North Dakota, and absolutely fell in love. With the place, but there’s definitely a good chance I fell in love with someone in it, too. Navigating life is hard. You have to figure out what you want to do, how you will provide for yourself, what your morals are, who you want in your life, there’s so much more but I am overwhelmed just thinking about it ha. 


Life’s not always easy, but I hope you find some joy and hope in this blog. When I struggle I tend to write music, read any Colleen Hoover book in a day, listen to music, hangout with our Rescue Kitty, Rana, our brand new little puppy, Paris, and now, write on here. Whether you are struggling yourself or just are looking for something new to read, welcome. I hope you are able to find yourself even more within this blog and realize how beautiful life actually is, amidst the shitty stuff, of course. 


Thank you for coming. We’re all friends here, so don’t be afraid to reach out. 


Sincerely, the girl who has no clue what she’s doing on here,


Brianna Helbling 

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