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After typing up yesterday’s post, I did not intend for this to be a two-part thing, but Sophie had other plans…

If you have never lost a pet, be so grateful. The pain that myself and my family have felt over the past few months is not fun at all. (I mean, losing anyone in general is never fun, but that’s exactly why I am doing this series.)

The house feels empty, her blankets are left with her fur on it, but she isn’t there, her favorite spots remain vacant, her favorite toys sit on the floor, the list could go on. As I said yesterday, though, I do NOT want to focus on the sad or negative things about the passing of our beautiful cat. I want to do the exact opposite. My Mom said it best a few days ago as we were preparing to say “see you later.” She simply stated how “Sophie will be up in Heaven, but we are the poor souls who are still left on this Earth.” We all hope to remain on Earth for quite some time yet, but for whenever our day comes, it is insanely comforting to know what is waiting for us.

Everyone handles grief in different ways. I’ve found that I handle it best by songwriting and just writing out my feelings. I ended up writing a letter to Sophie about everything I could think of that I’ve always wanted to tell her. In the letter I asked if once she gets to Heaven, she could just send us a sign that everything is going to be okay. When she passed I was not actively looking for a sign as I was too caught up in my emotions. About an hour after she passed though, my mom and sister told us all to go in the living room. Right before our eyes were RAINBOWS that miraculously appeared on the carpet. This has never happened there before and there is only one explanation for it… Sophie was letting us know she had made it home and will wait for us there. We just stared at it with awe in our eyes. It was such a special moment that could make you go from tears of sadness to tears of joy within the blink of an eye.

After yesterday, I will always hold a special place in my heart for rainbows. I’ve always admired their beauty, but now, it means even more. I was reading Bible verses for comfort, and found the perfect one that I will ALWAYS keep with me.

Genesis 9:16 says “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

Wow. That is all I can say. I think I have found my new favorite Bible verse, at least for during this time of grief.

I wanted to share this story in hopes that if anyone else is going through what we are, you will feel comforted. I feel it is often up for debate whether animals go to Heaven or not, but after everything God has shown me in life so far, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind.

We will ALL see our fur babies again one day once the gates of Heaven have opened up for us. But for now, may we all cherish the memories left with us and learn to love and live with grateful hearts.


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