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I am someone with extremely high ambition for myself. Honestly, my ambition can be so high sometimes that I think I am too hard on myself. I almost typed that I have unrealistic expectations for myself, but that’s not true at all. You can do anything, just not everything. (Thank you, Nikki Olson with Freya Salon Suites, for having that sign up in your bathroom. I needed it.) Anyway, back on track. Sometimes you might have expectations for yourself but don’t truly think you can achieve them. Well, I am here to tell you that if I can do what I did all day today, you sure as hell can do pretty much anything…

I am the girl who loves eating sweets, (minus the whole eating disorder thing every once in a while, but it’s a work in progress) but I have never been the girl who was good at baking sweets. I’ve always had the ambition for it, but never the talent. So, putting all fears and negativity aside, today I baked TWO FREAKING PIES for Thanksgiving. Yep, not one, but two. It took all day, but I feel so accomplished.

Don’t get me wrong though, there were times today where I was on the verge of throwing everything away and buying the big ass pie from COSTCO. I first went to the grocery store to pick up all of the ingredients. I got home about to bake and realized I didn’t even have pie pans. I finally came home from buying pie pans but realized I was too hungry to even think about baking a pie. I then decided to start with the pecan pie and think I may have left it in the oven too long. I then started on the apple pie and accidentally put the ingredients for the crust, the filling, and the caramel sauce in the same bowl and had to start over. Finally though, I had both pies sitting on the stovetop cooling off after a day well baked. (Is that a weed reference or can it work for baking, too?? Just asking for a friend.)

The point of me telling you this is that putting yourself into a position of doing something that you never thought you could will feel so empowering. The best part about this is I was able to spend a whole day at home and really didn’t have to spend much money minus buying the ingredients and utensils. I believe in setting goals and eventually crossing them all off. The milestone of baking a pie (or two) without guidance can FINALLY be crossed off today, November 21, 2021.

Happy baking, friends. Or maybe its happy cooking, happy learning to snowboard, happy watching the rest of your Netflix series, whatever your goals are in life, I hope you have fun doing it. J

**Disclaimer: I have not tried the pies. They may taste horrible, but at least they look edible.


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