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I haven’t sat down to write a blog post of any sort for a while. It’s not because I didn’t want to, not because I gave up the whole idea of having blog, but simply because I had no clue what to write about. I always thought if I had anything to say or anything to post that it had to be nothing but inspiring and show everyone that I clearly have my life together. **Insert eye roll here** I took a month to think about if I even had anything worth sharing. I travel a lot for music, I post on Instagram about all of my upcoming shows, I put on a full face of make-up and hair extensions because that’s what I thought made someone pretty, and I try to dress cute all of the time, but it’s actually exhausting. I felt bad. What’s the point of having a blog about trying to navigate life when I actually feel like sometimes I do a REALLY shitty job at it???

So, this is the start of being even more real. This blog post might not be about an intervention that I’ve had with myself or explaining to you how fascinating life is every single day, but it is about how I’ve realized that it’s okay to feel far from put together. It’s okay to drive to go pick up food and come back home empty handed because you got overwhelmed. It’s okay to spend $8 on a lavender oat milk latte if that’s something that made you smile. It’s okay to show vulnerability with people instead of trying to make it seem like life is nothing but perfect. It’s okay to admit that you’ve made mistakes and move on from them. It’s okay to feel like you’re at a stand-still in this season of life. I could go on forever with all of this, but if you took anything from reading this, I hope you mainly know that it’s okay.

I saw something on Pinterest the other night (it’s my favorite thing to scroll through before bed if I’m not catching up on Ginny & Georgia or reading a book) and it really put things into a different perspective for me. It was something along the lines of how each day you can evolve a little bit, or you can just repeat yesterday. It’s your choice. That was so impactful for me.

I told you how I didn’t really have an intervention with myself enough to come up with some super motivational conclusion. So, with that being said, I figured I’d share my favorite overnight oats recipe with you guys because it’s been my new obsession lately…


(inspired by

½ cup rolled oats

1 cup oat milk

2 tbsp peanut butter

1 tbsp flax seeds

1 tsp chia seeds

¼ tsp cocoa powder

½ tsp vanilla

2 tsp maple syrup


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