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Plants have always been my worst enemy. I loved to look at them and loved to entertain the idea of actually being able to keep one alive, but never took the leap. I mean who could blame me though, my cat almost died earlier this year because she ate lilies. I was (and am still am) completely traumatized by it. But, that’s beside the point…

Whether you consider yourself a plant person or not, just think about it for a second. A sunflower is considered a wildflower, and thousands of girls use their beauty for Instagram photoshoots or senior pictures every single year. (Myself being one of them…) Sunflowers stick together and always face the sun. If it’s a gloomy day they all come together, and if it’s a beautiful day, they stand tall and proud. Live like a sunflower.

My boyfriend and I went on a trip to Detroit Lakes once and decided to hit every single plant nursery that we could. We seriously drove an hour and a half in search of sensitive plants (which are the coolest plants ever, by the way). In the process of finding these ‘touch me nots’ I ended up finding a sunflower look alike; the Arizona coneflower. I knew absolutely nothing about plants, but I bought them anyway. Waking up every single day to see if they have grown or to make sure they are sustaining their living has honestly been a highlight of every single day. Buying these flowers for $11.99 at the plant nursery has helped me take things one day at a time and realize that beautiful things take time to grow. We are all growing, recovering, changing, and everything takes time.

Next time you find yourself with an afternoon free, head to your local plant nursery and find yourself the most beautiful flowers that have your name written on them. Seriously, do it.


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